I know sometimes life can get in the way of you & your loved one. Do you ever feel like you are in that mundane lifestyle & can't catch a break? Working long days then having commitments after work whether it be the gym, football, catching up with the girls or anything that just gets in the way of the time with your loved one. Then getting home after a long day to eat dinner then go to bed & repeat all week. Don't worry everyone goes through this & they say you have got to go through the bad to get to the good. Although you are probably working towards saving for that dream holiday or building your dream home? I know sometimes you have to sacrifice a lot to get these milestones that are all apart of this wonderful gift called life. Lets just take a step back & not let life get in the way of your relationship. Date night!Making time once a week for a date night is so healthy for relationships. Going out to dinner, catching a movie or even grabbing takeaway & staying in for the night is such a beautiful way to spend some quality time together! Sometimes we forget the little things that have such a huge impact on relationships. seeing your friends!Its a given that sometimes your friends can be semi pushed to the side when you are in a relationship as you solely want to be around your partner & everything that they do. It is so important to remember that your friends are always going to be there no matter what & you need to prioritise time so that you can spend it with all your loved ones. You can even throw in the idea of a double date with friends so you get that time with your besties & lover. Give each other space!I find this one extremely important. Respecting your lovers space & time is so beneficial for a relationship. I like to think of it like you do your own thing with your friends, then your partner does the same with his friends then its a happy medium! This way there is no resentment towards each other for any reason to do with your outside friendships. Communication!Communicating is one of the most important things to define a healthy relationship. I know some individuals don't like to talk about their feelings, which is understandable. It can be hard and uncomfortable, but usually talking about your problems really helps you be at peace with any worry or doubt in your mind. Having a common undertanding that communication is important will make this practice much easier. This way you can talk to each other openly about any problems affecting the relationship, then moving forward you can work to resolve any issues. Make future plans together!I love the idea of planning a future with the one you love! Its so sweet. The thought of going on that dream holiday or building that dream house gives you something to work towards as a team. These topics of discussion can really spark up emotions with your loved one thinking of that desired future together. Talk about whether you have a 5 year plan & whats involved in those 5 years. Whether or not theres marriage, holidays, kids, that dream home, then also the timeline of how you would like these milestone events plan out. Such exciting times! listen to your lover!For so man, this is an underrated action, but listening is a meaningful way to show your lover you care. If they tell you something listen, absorb it, think about it & think about ways to help out. Being able to recall information or their interests in the future will really give them faith in you hearing them & taking everything onboard. You want your partner to listen to you in this way too. Men can be a little lax on the listening front, but give them a go, they might just surprise you. Experience new things together!This is so special in growing together as a couple. Taking a step out of both your comfort zones to experience new things is unique! This could mean both of you learning a new skill together showing each other your flaws & also your ability to adapt to change. You could also travel to somewhere new together for the different experience. Taking yourself away from the comfort of your everyday life could be a great way to test out the strengths or weaknesses in your relationship which is also so important. Who doesn't love an escape to somewhere lush! Choose your own adventure! <3 take the good with the bad!We all know its not all sunshine & blue skies in relationships. To accept all the features of something you have to take those bad times to get to the good times. Some of my favourite wise words "You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad. Love what you got & remember what you had. Always forgive, never forgot, learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change, things go wrong but just remember life goes on" Nothing & no-one is perfect so some times you have to compromise to get that balance! Don't go to bed angry!Be more willing to work on a conflict resolution rather than sleeping on it & feeling down about the situation for a prolonged period of time. Talk it out or hug it out when something is wrong don't sleep on it, who wants to be unhappy or feel that awful uncertainty. A willingness to compromise can go a long way in creating happiness & feelings of well being. At the end of the day you are lovers for a reason, remember that & hug it out!
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