Now may we address the elephant in the room, hire a bloody stylist please!! Unless you want the bare minimal that can easily be done by yourself on the morning of your wedding, we strongly suggest hiring a stylist because they are worth their weight in gold!! Most couples try and save money where they can so they think if we do it ourselves, then we just lay it out we don't have to pay someone for their time we will just rely on our friends and family to do it for us for nothing. I completely understand saving money is super important because as soon as you say wedding the price sky rockets. Lets have a chat about the pros and cons of hiring a stylist or doing it yourselves. WORKING WITH A STYLISTI don't know about you guys, but if a stylist could make my dreams come to reality then why would I try stress my titts off on the morning of my wedding trying to put it altogether. Then putting that stress on to my family members and close friends who are there to have an amazing day not arrange all my wedding styling. By hiring a stylist there is so much effort and time they put into making everything come together just as you wished. They provide the following;
DIYWhen it comes the styling of your wedding there are so many things you can do yourself.
We would definitely recommend doing some of it, one because it is fun to do little tasks with your bride squad like thank you gifts, welcome signs, name cards, wishing well. You can even get crafty and make the boys make an arbor or anything outdoorsy! Secondly it saves you a bit of money. If you book a venue where everything is completely DIY then you can totally go nuts depending on what the venue allows you to do. E.g. roof installations If you book a venue that has guidelines where you can't hang anything from the room or install anything to hang things from. Hiring a stylist is highly recommended as they will know how to install using the right equipment, insurance etc and without causing any additional damage. What you have to think about when doing it yourselves;
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